Will I need to rent a car while I’m in Toronto?
The Downtown Toronto core is easily accessible by public transit or by Uber. If you’re staying at the Conference Hotel, the venue is just a 10min walk. Unless you are leaving the city to go exploring, you won’t need a car.
Will there be food available at the conference?
We will have snacks at our pre-parties each evening. There is a coffee shop right underneath the conference where you can get your caffeine fix! You will be responsible for your own meals throughout the conference.
Will there be a Parents lounge available?
Absolutely! We will have a Parents lounge located on Floor 2 which will be complete with a live feed of the conference.
Is there a C3 Kids Conference running?
Yes there sure is! It will be running during the evening and day sessions for Kids aged between 6 months - Grade 6. Registration is required.
Will I be serving at this conference?
Yes! If you are not a Senior Pastor, we are asking that you serve in some capacity. After registration, you’ll be asked which area you would like to serve, but please be flexible to go where the need is!